Five fruit trees that you can grow at home

Do you want to enjoy fruit freshly picked from the comfort of your living room, no cost whatsoever and absolutely free of pesticides? You only need one big pot and a bit of space to plant these fruit trees que The Opinion of Malaga brings us then.


It is true that many of these trees tend to be large and leafy, but it is also true that there are small varieties ideal to decorate the House and enjoy its fruits.

1. Avocado

A food labeled by many as a vegetable by the habit of including it in salads and sauces, but it is actually a fruit rich in healthy fats and very easy planting potted. Just need to add a bit of sand at the bottom of a large pot and fill it with Earth. We can plant the seed but, in this case, It is better to buy a plant grafting and place it in a bright place of House, preferably facing South and, to ensure pollination, is better to have more than one.

2. Bananas

As a result of this dwarf plant, In addition to being very decorative, It gives perfect bananas without a Pollinator. Super dwarf Cavendish and dwarf red varieties are ideal for planting at home and only need one light ground that must be paid monthly. Between waterings must make sure that the soil is completely dry and spray the leaves with water to simulate a wet weather if you live in a rather dry. To culminate, needs bright indirect sunlight, so best to place it in a bright area facing South and turn the plant so that all the leaves get light.


3. Lemons and limes

With the pepite asStas fruits You can get to supply your home of lemons and limes for a long time. You only need to wash them, open them slightly and bury them in a ground glass. There are water them and put a paper on top of the glass. We look forward to 15 days and transplanted it into a pot. The Meyer lemon or Kaffir lime are two varieties perfect minis to grow indoors. Con slightly acidic and based on loam soil (es decir, 2: 2: 1 sand silt clay), and with an environment suitably bright and wet, that we can achieve by spraying the leaves of the tree with water, We will achieve a perfect lemon free of charge.

4. Blackberries

The Everbearing dwarf is a perfect dwarf morera to grow indoors and thus achieve its sweet and healthy fruits very similar to the BlackBerry to BlackBerry they are harvested in late summer. Con common land for plants and a wide pot achieve a splendid plant for decoration and, If you're constant in the riego, also a few sweet berries at the end of the summer after receiving lots of light from spring until autumn.


5. Cherry

This fruit tree is one of the most colorful and popular already in spring It blooms with beautiful white and pink flowers, very popular in Japan, where there is even a celebration dedicated to these trees bloom called 'hanami'. A cold climate is perfect for them, so the ideal is plant their seeds in autumn to germinate after wash them very well. They take at least two years to bear fruit, so, If you don't have patience, You can choose to buy a tree at least that age, always opting for an autopolinizable variety.

To emulate their natural state, need 15 cm of peat, soaked in a container and place the separated seeds including 2 cm. Cover them with a second layer of peat and the put in the refrigerator between 0 y 5 º C at least two months, controlling the humidity of the Earth. After that time, plant them in a large pot with well-drained and limestone. In autumn we can it and pay to prepare them for the cold winter. If we achieve a cold weather and plenty of sunshine We will get some great cherry natural and pesticide-free.