The Board opened the period to apply for new subsidies for rental housing

Aid for the rental of homes in Malaga

Rental grants can now be applied for 2019 on the Board.


New rental aids can now be applied for from the past 10 December in the Junta de Andalucía. Este año 2019 grants for rent of primary residence have been destined especially to youth under the age of 35 years or people in special situations of vulnerability.

This time Andalusian families will be able to benefit from rental aid for a period of three years.


The difficulty that many Andalusian families have, with limited income, to access a rental home, have caused the Board to speed up the processing process and extend the time from one to three years, it is possible that in the event that all the requirements are met, help can be accepted immediately.

Who is the rental aid for?

There are several grants, based on the number of populations to be covered.

It is estimated that at least 11.150 aid are directed at the general or higher rate.

2.900 aid will go to young people under the age of 35 años.

2.150 aids will be reserved for people in particularly vulnerable situations.


23-8-18 independizate con planetacasa, Inmobiliaria Málaga.



Who can benefit from the rental aid grant?


Families with limited incomes will be able to benefit from these aids, as long as, are holders of a regular-use housing lease and are registered in the home for the duration of the grant.

The family nucleus may be made up of people unrelated to each other and the grant may be applied for by one or more persons, siempre y cuando, all document meet the requested requirements.

It is mandatory that the tenants have recorded having registered the deposit with the AVRA (Andalusia Housing and Rehabilitation Agency).

If you have already benefited from this help in a previous call, proof of proof and not have waived the possible outstanding payment.

ayuda del alquiler subvencion 2019 planetacasa, Inmobiliaria Málaga.

Requirements for rental assistance:

  • The total income of the household may not exceed 600 euros
  • For general grants, support is granted from the 40% monthly income.
  • For seniors, 65 years and under 35, can be subsidized up to 50% monthly rent.
  • For people in a situation of particular vulnerability, the maximum of this grant will be 75% of income.

What is the competitive concurrence procedure?


It is the method by which applications are studied and classified according to the most urgent needs to be met.

Applications are processed in order of preference, groups of people with less income are prioritised and will be paid immediately if all the requirements are met.

A non-competitive turnout procedure has now been arranged, speeding up this process by allowing applications to be processed and approved directly.

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What is the Iprem Indicator?

Means Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator, and is a benchmark for calculating access to public aid.

In this case, access to the rental aid grant, household income will not be able to exceed 2,50 sometimes the (Iprem) generally.

In case of large family, or when people with disabilities live together in the family unit, you will not be able to overcome the 3,00.

For large families of special category, cannot be greater than 3,50.

The deadline will remain open until 9 de enero.

Sheila Gandulla Marketing Creativa Planetacasa inmobiliaria Málaga



Sheila Gandulla

Communication and creativity

Planetacasa Marketing Department