The provincial government declares to the inheritance tax free Malaga by the minimum

The vote of the Chairman, Elías Bendodo, It has undone the tie between the PP and the opposition to be able to take forward this motion, you have everything by means of CNN.

Un instante del pleno.

The plenary of the Provincial Council said this noon to Malaga as the inheritance and donations tax-free province and it has done so by the minimum since it was the vote of the Chairman of the institution, Elías Bendodo, who has undone the tie between the PP, in favour of the proclamation, and the opposition (PSOE, Citizens, IU-Málaga for the people and the Malaga now), against.

The absence of the Socialist Cristobal Fernandez, that it has renounced the Act after being appointed Managing Director of the company TurismoAndaluz, and the fact that even his replacement did not take possession, Manuel Chicon, It has led to that at this point occurred a tie to fifteen that has desempatado Bendodo with his casting vote.

The popular been alone at this point in the urgent motion which had been submitted, But yes they have counted with the support of its partner's investiture, Citizens, points which has been requested to the Junta de Andalucía that you bonifique this tax progressively up to the 99% and to establish measures for the Andalusians who have fiscally registered in other autonomous communities to avoid paying this tribute, to return to the region. Left-wing parties have also voted against these two claims to the Andalusian Government.

Francisca Caracuel, spokesman for the PP, He has defended the motion on the grounds that tax inheritance and gift in Andalusia is the highest in Spain and represents "a comparative tort" with respect to other regions. At this point, He recalled that there are citizens who have to "wrong to sell the inheritance or renounce it" in order to pay the tax.

Since the opposition, Socialist Deputy Miguel Espinosa It has accused the PP of "political opportunism" with the campaign against the inheritance and donations tax, in his view, It has served to "mislead the public, discredit the Board and confront the Andalusians'.

Espinosa He has accused the popular have not repealed this tax at national level when they have had absolute majority in the Government of Spain and has recalled that last year of the more than 267.000 legacies of Andalusia, only the 7% they had to declare this tax. Also has focused on these data the spokesman for Malaga now, Rosa Galindo, who has argued that with the approach of the PP in lower taxes and maintain the education and free health "do not go accounts".

The Deputy of citizens Teresa Brown It has held that inheritance and gift tax is "unjust" but he accused the PP when it has governed in Spain with absolute majority have not repealed this State tribute. While UI-Malaga spokesman for people, Guzman Ahumada, It has accused the PP of "criminalizing" progressive taxes, While it climbs around the world as the VAT which pays to pass from the 18% to the 21% and he has denounced that the popular wish to remove the inheritance and donations tax without considering an alternative to offset revenues that would cease to perceive.